Clock by Rahul

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Time Zone map



Birthday Calculator

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Time zone is an area that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial and social purposes. All time zones are defined as offsets from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), ranging from UTC−12:00 to UTC+14:00. The offsets are usually a whole number of hours, but a few zones are offset by additional 30 or 45 minutes, such as in India and Nepal.

All nations currently use standard time zones for secular purposes, but not all of them apply the concept as originally conceived. Several countries and subdivisions use half-hour or quarter-hour deviations from standard time. Some countries, such as China and India, use a single time zone even though the extent of their territory far exceeds the ideal 15° of longitude for one hour; other countries, such as Spain and Argentina, use standard hour-based offsets, but not necessarily those that would be determined by their geographical location.

My Projects (Click to unveil!)

Space Shooter


Space Shooter(Click here)

Always wanted to meet aliens! Don't worry, this program takes you on a free ride to a faraway galaxy. But wait, it is invaded by hostile aliens. Kill them or die!



Hand Cricket (click here)

Lacking physical games during lockdown! Don't worry, this program will bring cricket to your finger tips.You play against a worthy opponent- "The Computer"



Stone Paper Scissors (click here)

Don't have a friend to play! No problem, this program makes computer your partner in playing this classic game. Glory awaits!



Hangman(click here)

Have an extremely cool vocab! Well this program will test your skills to the max extent. Be prepared with your words.



Pong(click here)

Bored from modern games! Don't worry, this program will take you to the 90s where you play the classic PONG and guess what its a multiplayer game!!!



Notepad(click here)

Well this ain't a game.But have you ever wondered what it would be to have your self made notepad!! This program will guide to the best notepad editor ever made.

About the Author

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Hi there! I am a fellow at Delhi public School, Jamshedpur, the developer here and a keen learner of Modern day programming.This as you can see is my first website created purely by HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Over the years ,coding has become my passion.During these hard times, when lockdowns restricted me from meeting my friends, coding has been an awesome stressbuster.In the forthcoming generation, Artificial intelligence will rule over all the fields out there. Although my personal favourite has always been python but you can't deny JavaScript's utility in web development.My dream is to pursue Computer Science at the prestigious IIT Kharagpur. With this I put an end to my saying- "Talk is cheap... Show me the code."

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